Code of Conduct & Ethics
1. Our Code of Ethics and Principles of Conduct
inQuba’s Code of Ethics and Principles of Conduct (“Code and Principles”) provide staff and leadership with the guidance and principles to adhere to the highest standards of integrity, legal compliance and ethical conduct.
No single document can anticipate and address every situation that you may face. In many cases, common sense and good judgment are the best guides. There are policies related to our Code and Principles in the following pages that also provide important information to assist the staff and leadership.
If you are unsure about a situation, consult with others, including your manager, or any member of the Leadership Team.
Our commitment to integrity
Our words and actions reflect not only the shareholders, leadership and staff, but inQuba SA and inQuba International and its wholly owned or controlled subsidiaries (collectively “inQuba” or “Company”). While business practices may change over time, our commitment to our customers and the highest standards of integrity remain constant.
Conducting business ethically is critical to our success. As a leading global software company, we must remain focused on our customers – and offer innovative products and services to help our customers obtain deep insights into customer journeys, customer behaviour and the customer experience ultimately optimising the effectiveness of execution, servicing and customer engagement strategies towards ROI goals.
Conducting business ethically means more than just obeying laws and regulations; it means that consistent standards of integrity underlie everything we do at inQuba. Remember: When you act on inQuba’s behalf, inQuba’s long-standing and valued reputation for integrity is in your hands.
The Code and Principles apply to inQuba’s stakeholders members, a group which includes employees (whether full- or part-time) consultants, suppliers, volunteers and trainees. Certain Company business partners, such as agents, affiliates and consultants, are expected to adhere to the spirit of our Code and Principles, and to any contractual provisions, while working on behalf of the Company.
As a global company, we are subject to the laws of many countries and jurisdictions around the world. If a provision of our Code and Principles conflicts with applicable law, the more restrictive provision will take precedence, unless it violates the law.
2. Supplier/Partner Code of Practice
2.1 About inQuba
inQuba is a next-generation Customer Journey SaaS platform for analyzing and optimizing customer acquisition, retention, conversion, channel and customer cost-of-ownership strategies.
inQuba uses diverse data sets, advanced analytics and AI to provide deep insights into customer journeys, customer behaviour and the customer experience. Using these insights and its proprietary methodology, inQuba tests and optimizes the effectiveness of execution, servicing and customer engagement strategies towards ROI goals.
inQuba is highly rated by leading analysts Gartner and Forrester as a high-innovator customer journey platform. The company has clients across APAC, US, UK and Africa with a focus on financial services, insurance, telco and retail industries.
2.2 Procurement and Partnering at inQuba
inQuba procures significant quantities of a diverse range of goods and services and we ensure strong governance of procurement activities to ensure our supply chain is cost effective, innovative, risk managed, sustainable, responsible, fair and ethical.
This Supplier/Partner Code of Practice details inQuba’s approach to Corporate Governance and Corporate Responsibility and the standards expected of our suppliers/partners, and their supply chains, when providing goods and services to or on behalf of inQuba. This document is intended to supplement the contractual terms and conditions that inQuba has with its suppliers/partners and applies to any third party providing products or services to or on behalf of inQuba.
2.3 Corporate Responsibility
Creating and preserving value for inQuba’s stakeholders is fundamental to our approach to Corporate Responsibility. We continually strive to improve our business practices to optimize outcomes, earn trust and maintain our social license to operate.
Our Corporate Responsibility Principles and Framework helps us to achieve inQuba‘s purpose to create a better today for all stakeholders.
2.4 Corporate Governance and Ethical Business Practices
inQuba believes the highest standards of corporate governance are essential for sustaining long-term company performance and creating value for its shareholders and key stakeholders. inQuba and its Board are committed to maintaining a robust governance system and promoting a culture that values responsible, ethical behavior and integrity. We expect our suppliers/partners to share these values. inQuba’s’ Code of Conduct applies to our suppliers/partners and we make these available to suppliers/partners.
Suppliers/partners are expected to:
- Comply with all local and national laws and regulations including bribery, corruption, money laundering and prohibited business practices.
- Comply with South Africa, USA and Australian laws and any local or regional sanctions and preclude from the supply chain any goods or services sources from sanctioned persons, countries or organizations.
- Comply with inQuba’s’ Code of Conduct.
- Conduct business in an ethical, fair and professional manner which includes not offering or receiving gifts or entertainment or sponsored travel that could affect, or be perceived to affect, the outcome of business transactions, or are not otherwise reasonable and justified.
- Not publicly disclose their supply association with inQuba in any form without express written permission from an authorized inQuba representative.
- Be able to measure, manage and report on social, environmental and governance performance.
- Promote timely and balanced disclosure of material matters concerning the goods or services provided by the supplier/partner to inQuba.
- Adhere to acceptable business practices with their own suppliers/partners, including providing for timely payment and reasonable contractual conditions, and avoid all unfair business practices.
- Comply with inQuba’s Anti-Bribery policy and inQuba’s data privacy policies.
2.5 Human Rights and Workplace Conditions
Human rights are universal and fundamental rights that preserve the inherent freedom, dignity and equality of all human beings. inQuba respects human rights and invests in the wellbeing and resilience of our people and communities.
Suppliers/partners to the inQuba Group are expected to:
- Comply with human rights and fair employment practices in accordance with the International Bill of Human Rights.
- Comply with all relevant local and national laws and regulations in relation to employment practices, health and safety, human rights, discrimination, harassment and bullying.
- Provide a safe and healthy workplace for all employees.
- Provide fair working conditions for their employees, including acceptable maximum working hours, adequate rest periods, and sufficient leave.
- Pay their workers minimum or living wages, including equal pay for equal work, and consider acceptable living conditions.
- Support the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining and avoids corporal punishment or unfair disciplinary practices.
- Promote diversity, inclusion and equity in the workplace where race, religion, age, sexual orientation, gender, pregnancy, maternity, and/or disability are no impediment to recruitment and/or ongoing employment.
- Ensure that no forced labour, child labour or involuntary labour is used.
- Provide employees with the appropriate level of awareness to perform their role and to comply with this Code of Practice.
2.6 Safety and Wellbeing
The safety and wellbeing of our people is a critical focus for inQuba as we strive for a workplace free from preventable injury or illness. inQuba is committed to workplace safety and wellbeing and aims to create a safe environment for all people who work with inQuba.
Suppliers/partners are expected to:
- Be compliant with all relevant national and local safety legislation, including but not limited to workplace and operational health and safety, including health and safety management and reporting.
- Where appropriate, to have a written health and safety policy or equivalent document and ensure that employees are made aware to comply with that policy.
- Have a system to record, monitor and manage health and safety risks and incidents, that is aligned to the organisation’s risk profile as well as applicable laws and standards.
2.7 Supplier/Partner Diversity
At inQuba, we promote and celebrate our differences, valuing and respecting the diversity of thought, lifestyle, experience and background that makes us who we are. We seek to reflect and be a part of the communities in which we operate and live. We encourage opportunity for a diverse range of suppliers/partners which may include but is not limited to;
- Social and Economic Empowerment .
- Businesses that achieve gender balance and gender pay equity including in senior leadership and Board positions.
- Other businesses that achieve employee, leadership and ownership diversity in culture, race, age and ability.
- Social Enterprises.
- Locally owned small businesses.
We acknowledge that for an organisation like inQuba it may not be practical to directly contract with a large number of diverse suppliers/partners, as such our focus is on integrating suppliers/partners into our supply chain where it makes best sense. inQuba seeks to engage suppliers/partners who proactively ensure a diverse range of suppliers/partners within their supply chain.
2.8 Impact on Environment
To create sustainable value, we adapt our business to evolving market conditions. inQuba takes a long-term view, makes balanced business decisions and actively responds to changing economic, social and environmental conditions. We manage our own economic, social and environmental impacts to ensure the sustainable growth of both our business and the communities in which we operate.
Suppliers/partners are expected to:
- Comply with all relevant local and national laws and regulations relating to environmental impact, climate change and greenhouse gas emissions.
- Conduct their business operations in a way that protects and sustains the environment.
- Have an environmental management plan which takes responsibility for goods and services throughout their lifecycle and minimises the impact on the environment and ensure that employees are trained to comply with that plan.
2.9 inQuba Data Privacy Policy
Data privacy and security is integrated into all aspects of inQuba’s business to ensure an appropriate balance between value and risk to inQuba and our customers. inQuba is committed to protecting the privacy of our customer’s personal information and preventing financial crime. inQuba’s Data Privacy Policy sets out how inQuba manages and secures the personal information it holds, applies to our suppliers/partners and we make this available to suppliers/partners.
Suppliers/partners are expected to:
- Comply with the requirements of the inQuba Data Privacy Policy
- Comply with other related security policies and standards when notified and provided by inQuba.
2.10 Assessment and Review
inQuba will work with suppliers/partners to ensure alignment to this Code of Practice. inQuba may at their discretion conduct regular assessments of the practices of its suppliers/partners to ensure alignment with this Code of Practice and polices references within this document. This may incorporate screening, self-assessments, direct engagement with suppliers/partners, requests for supporting documents and data and ongoing management and mitigation of material risks. This process is intended to assist with identifying best practices and support a sustainable and responsible supply chain.
Suppliers/partners are expected to:
- Disclose breaches to the Code of Practice to inQuba within 48 hours.
- Respond to requests for review and or documentation in a timely manner.
- Provide transparent, correct and complete information.
- Support inQuba during on-site visits.
2.11 Raising Concerns
inQuba is committed to fostering a culture of honest and ethical behaviour. inQuba recognises the importance of ensuring a safe, supportive and confidential environment where people feel confident about reporting wrongdoing and are supported and protected throughout the process.
Suppliers/partners, their employees and sub-contractors can raise concerns with:
- Their supplier/partner relationship points of contact, or
- Via email to
- All concerns raised will be treated with the strictest confidence and sensitivity to ensure that the entity alerting inQuba to the concern has their identity protected.